Indonesian Essential Oils

Utilizing rich sources, producing, sustaining and distributing all essential oils.

No Toxic Chemicals

Manufacture and export all kinds of essential oils. with different kind of plant materials.

Traditional Methods

Manufacture and export all kinds of essential oils. with different kind of plant materials.

Sterilization Process

Manufacture and export all kinds of essential oils. with different kind of plant materials.

Natural Aroma

Manufacture and export all kinds of essential oils. with different kind of plant materials.

Best Essential Oil From Indonesia

Essential oils can be produced from various plant sources, as well as from different plant parts including resins (plant exudates), leaves, flowers, fruits, bark and wood. Most essential oils are extracted using steam distillation. Other extraction methods include water distillation, expression – most notably from citrus peels (mechanically or cold pressed) – solvent extraction or enfleurage (from flowers). Extraction methods mainly depend on the raw material that is being extracted.
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Essential Oils are Extracted from Plants in a Number of Ways

Each method is used for different plant materials and has different advantages. Distillation is the most economical method and is considered suitable for small producers in the villages.

The main methods of extracting essential oils are distillation and expression; newer methods of extracting essential oils are percolation (hydro-diffusion) and carbon dioxide extraction.

Our Products

Learn more about our product. You can see our product here, click to see more detail about our product.

Lemongrass Oil

Lemongrass oil can be extracted, it’s been used for healthcare and aromatherapy. Lemongrass essential oil help to relieve stress, anxiety, and depression.

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint essential oil can be extracted from the leaves of the peppermint plant and is used for a variety of purposes. It has a sharp odor that’s cool and refreshing.

Clove Oil

Clove essential oil extracted from the clove plant (Syzygium aromaticum), it’s commonly used in aromatherapy and for flavoring food and some medicines.

Our Blog

You can see our blog here, click to see blog detail. You can see our daily activity or news about exported, product process and many more.

Indonesia's Essential Oil The world's Leading Product

Our Team

We have a team of highly skilled, committed and motivated professionals specializing in respective core fields.

Andrew Cameron


Amelia Margaret


Robert Smith

Product Manager

Jl. Indonesia Raya, Sudirman, Jakarta Selatan,
DKI Jakarta,  Indonesia, 10150